Thursday, September 3, 2009

coming along

oooohhhh! i haven't posted in a while...practically 2 months! but that does not mean i have not been busy as a bee with wedding craziness. HA!

first off, it was maddening personalizing all the invitations - just ask my future mother-in-law and her wrist; then the mailing to all corners of the globe...but YA! they are gone, out of my hands and left up to fate. well, more like the fate of the mexican mailing system. but most of you have reported with excitement having received them, so i will conclude that this chapter of the wedding planning was a success. yay. another one down on the list of 115 items i have left to do, according to the knot, 17 of which are overdue apparently.

but the items on the check list that i have managed to get to are finally falling into place though.

our caterer is set, we have the tasting tomorrow;
we found a DJ willing to play all night long;
our photographer has an amazing portfolio - we can't wait for her to capture our day...

so as you can imagine i am exhaling sighs of relief as i check one to-do after another off my list. but we are not off the hook just quite yet. now comes all the itty bitty details that have to be worked on...
